St. Peter Press May-July 2024


By Pastor Lawson Short


Pretty soon, we will be celebrating the Feast of Pentecost.  On Pentecost, God sent to His church the Holy Spirit.  But is that all there is to Pentecost? As we prepare to celebrate Pentecost Sunday, let’s dig into what Pentecost is all about.



Originally, Pentecost was one of the Old Testament feasts God commanded Israel to celebrate every year.  On the Feast of Pentecost, the people of Israel would commemorate how God gave His law to Moses on Mount Sinai.  In the Old Testament, 50 days after the Passover and Exodus from Egypt, God’s people came to Mount Sinai.  There God descended upon mount Sinai in fire and smoke, and gave His law to Moses on two tablets of stone.  From that time on, 50 days after the celebration of the feast of Passover, the people of Israel would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Pentecost, where they would also bring in an offering of their first-fruit of their harvest.



Notice the correlation with the Old Testament.  On Maundy Thursday, Jesus replaced the sacrificial meal of the Passover lamb with the Meal of His own body and blood.  On Good Friday, Jesus replaced the sacrifices of bulls and goats for man’s sin with His once and for all sacrifice on the cross.   And 50 days later, God replaced the giving of His law on Mount Sinai in fire and smoke to Moses with the giving of His Gospel to His apostles in tongues of fire and a great wind.  The tongues of fire and wind were signs, showing that the word the apostle’s spoke was not their own, but from God Himself.  



What speaking in tongues means is that the apostles were miraculously able to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ in human languages they had never learned, or maybe even heard before.  The miracle is not that they spoke in some “heavenly” language, as some falsely teach.



There are three major reasons why God gave this miracle of speaking in tongues.  The first is that this miracle was foretold by the prophets.  Peter tells us this during his sermon he proclaimed that day. The second major reason for this miracle was to show the disciples that the gospel was not just for Israel, but is for all people, gentiles included. The third major reason was to make sure everyone was able to hear and understand the gospel.  Even if you know more than one language, a person’s native language is almost always more familiar and easier to understand.  In this we see another Old Testament connection.  When in Genesis the people rebelled against God and built the tower of Babel, God confused their languages as a result of their rebellion.  But that barrier between God’s people and all peoples is overcome at Pentecost, as all are invited to hear the Gospel and join in Abraham’s family, becoming sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus.



No. We only hear about the disciples speaking in tongues in the book of Acts, and Paul’s epistles to the Corinthians.  The miracle of speaking in tongues lasted only for a short time within the church. Today, we have the great blessing of men and women in the church who use their lives in translating the Holy Scriptures into other languages.  A wonderful organization of our church that does this is called “Lutheran Bible Translators.”  Google them, or check out their website at  



Think of opening a gift on your birthday.  Once you rip the wrapping paper off, what do you do with it?  You throw the wrapping paper away.  But you keep the gift.  The wrapping paper has served its purpose.  The gift is what you keep.  So it is in the church.  To focus on speaking in tongues and not the Gospel is to focus on the wrapping paper, and not the gift.  Speaking in tongues has passed away.  But we still have the gift.  Do you hear the gospel proclaimed in your own language every Sunday?  Have you been baptized into Christ?  Then praise God!  You have the exact same gifts those first Christians experienced on Pentecost.  And in fact, we have that even fuller today.  We have the bible translated into English, and are able to read it ourselves, something that would not come for many years in the church.  We have more access to the Gospel today than even those Christians did on that first day of Pentecost!




By Martha Short

We are wrapping up another year of Little Lamb Preschool! Tuesday, May 7 and Wednesday, May 8 are the final days for the year with the Graduation Program on May 8 at 6:00pm. All are invited to attend with refreshments being served afterward. 

We were fortunate to have had visitors from the Dodge County Sheriff's Department come and tell us about what they do (pictured) as we wrapped up our unit on community helpers. We also planted beans and watched them grow and have been exploring as engineers as we used different materials for building and constructing. 

We have purchased a new playground set for our playground, which will be put together this summer. We are looking for willing volunteers to help with this project. More details will come out in the bulletin as the date approaches.

Registration for this fall's class opened up in January and filled up in three weeks! Next year we will have twenty preschoolers enrolled. What a blessing! Additionally, we have hired senior Alaina Halladay to assist in the classroom. We look forward to having her! 

As we close for the summer, we thank you for your continued prayers and support of Little Lamb Preschool!

Little Lamb Preschool Board Members: Lynette Elofson, Leigh Feala, Kiley Frana, Jennifer Karnatz; Treasurer: Brett Karnatz.



The Piecemakers Quilting Group have switched their time to 1 pm every Thursday. With the change of time, they have been able to assemble a record number of quilts. Members include Lenora Schuetz, Laurie Neemann, Karan Legler, Gloria Westerman and Lavonne Ladehoff. Megan Williams is going to be joining soon during the summer. Jan Schindler assists in binding and Jan Vopalensky also helps with sewing. No sewing or quilting skills needed. All are welcome to join in helping in our mission by doing God’s work. Please join us any Thursday afternoon, here at the church. 



By Gloria Westerman

We will be meeting on May 6th at 7:00 p.m. Our group is open to all ladies of the congregation. We will be discussing the items still needed for the Orphan Grain Train Christmas boxes, which will be packed at the next meeting, August 5th. If you are interested in helping to collect any of the needed items, reach out to Heidi Widick for the current inventory list. 

Upcoming celebrations over the summer include Mother’s and Father’s Day and Sundae Sunday in July. We also need to discuss Tapestry of Tables coming up in September. If you have an idea for entertainment or décor, please come to the meeting and share.



Our group is going into summer mode. We will honor the NBC High School Seniors during the service on May 12th. We have gifts purchased using Thrivent Action Team funds and will have a reception following the service in conjunction to Mother’s Day.

Watch the bulletin closer to August as we will again be having our kick off to Christian Education fun with outdoor games!


May be an image of 14 people, people smiling and grass


The last KFC was held April 24th. We welcome any youth 3rd to 6th grade to join us next school year to dive into the lessons of the Old Testament. 

Classes will resume September 4th.

We are looking for another teacher next year for KFC. If you may be interested in teaching, please talk to Pastor Short or any member of the Education Board (Heidi Widick, Hope Bunn, Amanda Reznicek).


May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'T +- t K 果 R'


Our newest confimation class: Jace Hanis, Isabelle Liekus and Peyton Jacobsen


May be an image of 11 people, people playing voleyball, frisbee and grass


By Amanda Reznicek

Spring has sprung and summer is right around the corner. The St. Peter's Youth Group met for the final time for the 23/24 year on April 24th. Our last day was spent enjoying the beautiful weather with a spike ball tournament, water balloon fight and lots of laughter. It has been a blessing to work with this group the past months. Many good memories made while growing in faith and serving our Lord. The youth group will work towards preparing for the National Youth Gathering next summer in New Orleans. Keep a look out on Facebook and the church bulletin for details of upcoming meetings of information regarding this trip. Thank you for a wonderful year! I look forward to seeing what great things this group will do in the future. Have a safe and fun summer!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up-Galatians 6:9


Our NBC graduates: Tanner Bishop, Austin Frana, Kyler Hellbusch, Sam Post, Kierra Wardman, Kendra Westerman, and Nolan Williams.


(Pictures in color can be found on our Facebook page at stpeternorthbend.)


 VBS 2024


“SCUBA” is the theme for VBS this summer. If you have any items that will work for an under the sea décor, reach out to Jules Emmons or Heidi Widick as we start preparing for another fun week of diving into friendship with God. Pool noodles, fish, snorkeling gear, anything you can think of when swimming in the ocean would be appreciated. If you are creative, we encourage you to make some décor. There are lots of fun ideas on how to make jelly fish and coral online. Any items you do not want returned, (please put your name on items to be returned) we will pass on to the Lutheran church in Mead for them to use for their VBS. Thanks for your help!

Vacation Bible School

Ages: Pre-K-6th Grade

We are taking registrations for this year’s Vacation Bible School either by using the QR code, going to the website, or calling the church office for assistance at (402)652-8215. (If no answer, please leave a message.)

Registration for children is based on the grade the child will be going into school NEXT school year. (Pre-K must be potty trained!)



Income & Offerings:





General fund balance as of 4/30/24: $40,329.89




Prayers for Healing & Comfort:

Shut-ins: Dennis & Marilyn Beck, Steven & Mary Lou Nielsen, Betty Mylander, Sue Dodge, Jim Novak

Our Church Family: Sue Dodge,Laurie Neeman, Kelly and Justin Spath, Anna Stuehmer, Betty Mylander, Rick Elofson, Jim Novak,  Mike Bunn, Brinley Tank

Friends, Family, and Loved Ones: Mintie Chadwick (Friend of Jean Sorensen), Michael Green (son-in-law of Sherri Schuetz), Renate’ Scheuermann (Carroll Wiebold’s niece), Trisha Throener, Lois Fick (Eileen Chvatal’s sister-in-law), Larry Short (Pastor’s father), Diane Vrana (Tyler Murphy’s mother-in-law), Deanna Wolf, Kim Creighton (Emily Taylor’s mother), Diane Powers (Tom Mensik’s mother), Margorie Benzel (Brad Benzel’s mother), Kevin Cowan (friend of Gloria Westerman), Graham (Justin & Holly Chadwick’s nephew), Kayden Kayle (friend of Bridget Tauber), Liam Settles (Gordon & Martha Settles’s grandson)

Prayers for Members & Loved Ones Serving in the Military:  Justin Chadwick, J. R. Dodge, Mike Elofson, Lauren Kohl, Adam Martinez, Seth Saalfeld, Matthew Schuetz, Chris Tank, Theo Tauber, Julius Tauber,  Trevor Widick, Kobe Wilkins, Wyatt Olson


Welcome New Members

Dylan and Sarah Olson

and their children Lucas, Payton and Hazen



BIRTHDAYS – MAY                                           

8th-Heidi Juhl              

12th-Colin Murphy                    

15th-Kinley Mottl                     

      Grayson Mottl                 

      Chuck Pospisil                                               

18th-Tracy Kaiser                    

       Jerry Kohl                       

       Rick Elofson

19th-Chris Tank                       

20th-Martha Settles                                             

21st-Jennifer Karnatz                                             

22nd-Hallie Mottl 

       Christian Sorensen                                             

23rd-Barrett Taylor                                       

25th- Haden Frana                                             

26th-Tanner Bishop

            Ashley Wagner       

27th-Sara Bishop

       Ava Harrell

       Kirk Hansen

30th-Bridget Tauber

31st-Zoey Feala 

      Mason Petersen

      Reese Petersen                                               



23rd-Deann & Justin Paulson                             

26th-Jeff & Tracy Kaiser       



1st-Charley Chvatal

3rd-Andrea Halladay

6th-Hope Bunn

    Grayson Mottl                    

    Katie Tank

7th-Will Hetzel

8th-Natalyn Krenzer

10th-Sue Dodge

      Cash Hanis

      Seth Harrell

      Joe Murphy

11th-Melissa Possnecker

12th-Daryl Lanc

14th-Dylan Olson

15th-Bruce Williams

17th-Lavonne Ladehoff 

      Charlie Mock

 19th-Jamie Halladay

      Sarah Olson

21st-Wes Bosco

      Mindy Siebels

22nd-Martha Short 

23rd-Shawn Juhl 

24th-Terry Sorensen

25th-Patrick Gaughen

26th-Rachael Oerman

       Lane Taylor 

27th-Bethany Wiebold 

28th-Koda Baehr   

      Steve Grueber     

      Mark Mueller      

29th-Jim Spath     

30th-Brady Juhl


1st- Blake & Anna Wilberding

2nd-D.J. & Kyrsten Mottl

5th- Bart & Virginia Bosco

     Jim & Mary Spath

7th-Mark & Linda Brower

10th-Sam & Katie Settles

13th- Joe & Wendy Murphy

16th-Dave & Sheila Hull

18th-Troy & Jana Post

21st-Mike & Hope Bunn

29th-Jim & Jules Emmons


2nd- Jon Baehr

            Danny Madsen                                         

3rd-Caitlyn Wiebold

            Rita Grigg

4th-Nick Reznicek

8th-Hudson Schutt

9th-Brad Benzel

11th-Sheila Hull

12th-Corrine Mueller

17th-Evan Balch

      Glenn Chvatal

18th-Cheyenne Chromy

21st-Kendall Karnatz

      Brooklyn Wilberding

22nd-Tristyn Feala

23rd-Jan Schindler

24th-Larry Tank

            Sarah Wesch

25th-Kaleb Bjorklund

27th-Kathryn Gaughen

            Kara Hellbusch

28th-Eileen Chvatal

            Huxton Harrell

            Tom Mensik

            Connie Wamberg

29th-Wendy Murphy

30th-Brinley Tank

            Arlee Tank

31st-Emma Kavan


2nd-Ryan & Johanna Fittje

9th-Jason & Kara Hellbusch

13th-Jason & Jenna Saalfeld

Chris & Sandra Wardman

18th-Marlyce & Richard Franzluebbers

22nd-Jon & Terri Baehr

23rd-Ron & Jan Schindler

30th-Dennis & Marilyn Beck

       Scott & Leta Wiebold


(Services are live-streamed.)

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study: Last one for the summer is May 14th at 6:30 am. It will resume in September.

Monday Night Bible Study: Ended for the summer. Beginning back in September. Studying the television series The Chosen at 6 pm.

Women’s Bible Study: Tuesday nights at 7 pm. Finishing lessons on May 28th and then will be on summer break.

Youth Events: KFC, Confirmation and Youth Group on summer break. Confirmation class will resume August 21st and KFC and youth group resume September 4th.


1- Church Council Meeting–7 pm

5-Worship w/Holy Communion-9am

     Mites Sunday

6-Sisters in Faith Quarterly Meeting- 


7-Last Day of T/TH Preschool

8-Last Day of M/W Preschool

     Preschool Graduation Program-6:00pm

12-Worship – 9 am

     (NBC Graduation & Mother’s Day)

13-Material Girls Quilt Guild–7pm

14-Men’s Breakfast Bible Study-6:30am

19-Worship w/Holy Communion-9 am

26-Worship - 9am (Memorial Day Wknd)


2-Worship w/Holy Communion-9am

     Mites Sunday

June 3rd-7th Vacation Bible School

                        9 am to 11:30 am


     Voter’s Meeting – 10:15 am

10-Material Girls Quilt Guild–7pm

11-Men’s Breakfast Bible Study-6:30am

16-Worship w/Holy Communion-9 am

     (Father’s Day)


Church at park-Old Settler’s Service



7- Worship w/Holy Communion–9 am

     Mites Sunday

14– Worship–9 am

21- Worship w/Holy Communion–9 am

28-Worship–9 am


Concordia Fremont

Target opening August 2025

How you can help?

*PRAY – This process has been bathed with prayer from the very beginning and we would love for you to join 

in that with us.

*SUPPORT – We are in the process of raising $300,000 to help cover the “Year 0” (2024-2025) expenses of 

starting a High School. We are seeking partners to get in on the ground floor!

*SHARE – Do you know someone who should know about this exciting project? Spread the word and help us 


About us

Concordia Fremont, in partnership with member congregations and schools and many friends of Christian education, will impact the faith and life of young people and their families for today and for the future in an environment of academic excellence in Christian secondary education, a lifetime investment.
