St. Peter Press November ’24-January ‘25

A Holy Responsibility

By Pastor Lawson Short


On Tuesday, November 5th, what were you doing?  Well, I know that while I did many other things that day, I went out to vote along with millions of other Americans.  And I hope you did too. Because not only is voting a good thing, but it is actually a holy and sacred responsibility given to us by God for the sake of our neighbor.

And that might sound odd to us.  Voting as a holy responsibility?  That sounds suspiciously like a mixing of church and state. We as Americans love our separation of church and state. And for good reason.  One of the founding principles of America was the freedom of religion, which only works as long as the government doesn’t tell me what to believe about God, and vice versa.  Freedom of religion in our nation is a great blessing that we Christians enjoy.

But no matter how far you separate church and state, they will always intersect in one place.  And that’s you and me.  You see, we as Christians live both in the civil and spiritual realms at the same time. On the one hand, we belong to Christ and to His kingdom of the church, which He rules by His word of the Gospel. Yet on the other hand, at the same time we are citizens of the nation we live in, which Christ rules through the government.  This means when you go to the voting booth as a citizen, you don’t stop being a Christian. What we believe and know to be true from the scriptures does not, nor should not, stay locked inside the church. We are to live out our faith in all aspects of our life. 

That is why voting is a sacred responsibility given to us Christians, because it is part of the bigger sacred responsibility God has given us to love Him and our neighbor. Jesus wants us to vote for those people, principles, and platforms that will uphold His justice and peace in our world.  Another way of putting that is God wants us to vote in ways that will best serve our neighbors and their needs.  We should vote in such ways to help support the freedom and peace the church has to spread the gospel, because the greatest need our neighbors have is for the proclamation of Christ.  We should vote and advocate for life, defending those children in the womb who can’t defend themselves.  We should vote in ways to defend our children from the evil abuses of hormone blockers and mutilating surgery.  We should stand up for our right for our teachers to speak the truth in love, and not be forced to use pronouns that deny God’s good creation.

Now, with that said, how are we best to do that? What candidate is best?  That’s not easy.  What makes this a challenge is there are no perfect candidates.  There are no perfect parties.  That’s why I as a pastor do not preach a particular party from the pulpit. 

But yet we as Christians are called to do the best we can.  We are called to vote our conscience.  That is, we are to go into the election booth, armed with the word of God, the knowledge of His 10 commandments, filled with the love of God for our neighbor, and vote for those who most closely align with what God wants.  Having done so, we simply leave the rest up to Him. 

For the Church and government have one this in common: Christ is actively ruling over both.  God rules over every government, and is able even to use sinful men and governments to fulfill his good purposes. For so He has done all throughout history.  Above all, think about how Jesus used the evils of King Herod, Pilate, and the Pharisees during His passion, to turn the evils of our sin and this world into the greatest source of eternal good that this universe will ever see or know.

And that’s a great comfort to us.  As another election cycle has come and gone, we know who still is in control.  We put not our trust in princes, but we put our trust in the Lord God.  And doing so, in all things we seek to serve God and love our neighbor, letting our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven.




By Martha Short

This year's preschool kids have been busy in the classroom. From letter practice and name identification to apples and pumpkins, we have been exploring our world through play, stories, and games. We have gotten messy and loud but that's what makes preschool FUN. The North Bend Fire Department came in early October to teach us about fire prevention and safety and Daniels Produce in Columbus donated pumpkins for us to paint. We are working our way through Old Testament Bible stories, most recently learning about Moses crossing the Red Sea and having chapel with Pastor. Keep a look out on the bulletin board outside the preschool room for a display of fun projects we have been working on.

It has been a great start to the school year. I am so thankful to have an extra set of helping hands in the classroom, thanks to NBC senior and St. Peter member Alaina Halladay. She is great with the kids and is always ready and willing to help out. The kids always love having "Miss Alaina" around too. She is with us four days a week as her school schedule allows. We are blessed to have received a grant through InternNE that helps fund her position. Please be on the lookout for upcoming fundraisers so that we can continue to have a helper in the years to come.

We have started practicing our songs for our upcoming Christmas program, which we invite everyone to attend. It will be held on Thursday, December 12 at 6:00pm at St. Peter with refreshments to follow. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for these 20 preschoolers! 




The ladies sent 77 quilts to Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk in July.  They welcome anyone to join them on Thursdays at 1 pm. No sewing skills required! The ladies lay out the quilts and tie the ones already sewn.



Meeting at 8am on Sundays, all are welcome to join the choir. If you have further questions, please reach out to Marlyce Franzluebbers. The next time they will be singing is November 24th.




A wonderful year of KFC has been going by fast! We have a great group of 20 kids at KFC each week. And not only that, we have been very blessed to have new leaders! Holly Hild has been leading our 3rd and 4th grade kids, along with help from Alex Hild and Katie Tank.  Please thank them for all that they do!


On Sunday, Dec 1st,  we will begin practicing for our Christmas program at St. Peter.  Our Christmas program is open to all kids PreK-6th grade. The Christmas program will be held on Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30PM.


  • Dec 1st, 8th, 15th: Program Practice for PreK-6th grade after church.
  • Dec 4th, 11th: Program practice during KFC time for KFC kids. (3rd-6th grade)


May be an image of 12 people


A wonderful year is already almost half over!  This year, we have 12 kids in our 7th and 8th grade confirmation class, with 5 preparing to be confirmed in 2025: Brecken Frana, Tristyn Feala, Hadley Karnatz, Merrit Smeal (Member of St. Matthew Lutheran, Cedar Bluffs), and Lane Taylor.

While we always go to Camp Luther for a retreat, we were thrown a curveball this year.  Camp Luther was not able to hold their Fall Retreat as planned with other youth groups, so instead we went as a solo group for a fun packed day instead.  The kids enjoyed archery, hiking, hatchet throwing, and canoeing, along with time in God’s word as well.

More information will come out early this next year, but we are hoping to also attend the Camp Luther Confirmation retreat with other Lutheran groups 

Confirmation this year is scheduled for Sunday, May 4th, 2025.



By Amanda Reznicek

Fall is here! During this time of year, one thing comes to mind. Gratitude! Our youth group has been very blessed by our church and community. 

This year will be fast paced with the planning for our upcoming trip to New Orleans to attend The Gathering conference. We have a total of 15 youth that will be attending and 5 adult leaders sponsored. Praise be to God! 


Look for upcoming events for the youth. Our annual t-shirt design will be out soon for orders, as well as our Christmas Cookie Walk in December. The silent auction was such a hit that we are planning it again this year. 

Also, we have a VENMO account for our St. Peter Youth Group!  Anyone can donate to the youth this way, so please feel free to share.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of our youth at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. We hope that you all have a blessed holiday season ahead. 





By Gloria Westerman

On November 4th, several ladies met for our quarterly meeting. Care packages were addressed and prepared. to mail for service members and our members attending college. 

We have new Christmas banners being made by a member’s mom and look forward to their completion. 

The next event we have planned is our annual Epiphany party that is held at the historical Platte Valley Bank. It will be on January 5th, 2025 at 5pm. All ladies of the congregation are encouraged to attend. Those in attendance are asked to being a small appetizer to share and a $10 gift if you would like to participate in the gift exchange. 

Our next quarterly meeting will be in February.

May be a graphic of christmas tree and text



Income & Offerings:




General fund balance as of 11/6/24: $27,513.86


Prayers for Healing & Comfort:

Our Church Family: Sue Dodge, Laurie Neeman, Anna Stuehmer, Betty Mylander, Rick Elofson, Jim Novak, Joe Murphy, Ed Slavik, Daryl Lanc, Bernard Larson

Friends, Family, and Loved Ones: Mintie Chadwick (Friend of Jean Sorensen), Michael Green (son-in-law of Sherri Schuetz), Renate’ Scheuermann (Carroll Wiebold’s niece), Diane Vrana (Tyler Murphy’s mother-in-law), Kim Creighton (Emily Taylor’s mother), Margorie Benzel (Brad Benzel’s mother), Liam Settles (Gordon & Martha Settles’s grandson), Holly Colburn (Karan Legler’s daughter), Viola Krupka (Theda Hansen’s mother), Riley O’Neill (Friend of Rita Heinemann), Curtis Abrams (Lenora Schuetz’s son in law), Gene Toelle (Heidi Juhl’s father), Trudy Meyer (Emmons family friend), Peggy Christoffersen (Rita Heinemann’s friend), Debbie Freeman (Emmons’ family friend), Amber Cherny (Rachael Oerman’s sister-in-law), Doug Heinemann (Scott Heinemann’s brother), Marcia Masson (friend of Jean Sorensen), Beth Boyle (Mary Spath’s sister)

Prayers for Members & Loved Ones Serving in the Military:  Justin Chadwick, Mike Elofson, Lauren Kohl, Seth Saalfeld, Matthew Schuetz, Chris Tank, Theo Tauber, Trevor Widick, Kobe Wilkins, Wyatt Olson, Owen Wynia, Kaylee Boyle


We have several members of our congregation who have an account with Thrivent Financial. A benefit to these accounts is the ability to designate funds to an organization (or even the preschool), and/or the ability to complete an action team for up to $250 twice a year.  Because of these funds, this year alone we were able to fully fund Vacation Bible School, created bags for our youth for Easter, purchased items for the Alleluia baskets for our shut ins and senior center friends, provided gifts to our high school graduates, purchased education supplies for Sunday School, provided pizza to the outdoor church property cleanup volunteers, bought Bibles for the incoming 5th graders for KFC, purchased a vacuum for the sanctuary, purchased all of the copier paper for the office, gave seed money to the youth group for Easter breakfast, and more. The preschool was assisted with new security cameras, storage totes for the storage room, and mats for under the new playground equipment. $7,500 has been utilized for our church this year alone. We would like to acknowledge the members who blessed our church with their Thrivent funds: Bryon Chvatal, Glenn and Eileen Chvatal, Marlyce Franzluebbers, Lavonne Ladehoff, Joe and Wendy Murphy, Jim and Brenda Robinson, Dave and Bev Saalfeld, Mary Spath, and Heidi Widick. We appreciate their generosity!


Men’s Breakfast Bible Study: All men are welcome to join for a bite of breakfast prepared by Bernard Larson and a devotional. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month. The dates are in the calendar as well.

Monday Night Bible Study: All are welcome to join-no age requirements. The episode to be discussed will be in the bulletin each week with the season and episode. Watch the episode before you come and be ready to discuss it at 6 pm.

Women’s Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 7pm a group of ladies meet led by Eileen Chvatal. If you are interested in joining the next study starting in January, reach out to Eileen so a book can be ordered for you.

Youth Events:

KFC 3:30-4:45pm

Confirmation 5:30-6:45pm

Youth Group 6:15-7:15pm


4-Worship w/ Holy Communion- 9am, MITES

4-Sisters in Faith Meeting-7pm 

7-Church Council Budget meeting 7pm

10-Worship- 9am

11-Material Girls Quilt Guild–7pm

12-Men’s Breakfast Bible Study-6:30am

17-Worship w/ Holy Communion - 9am

    -Christmas Blessings 1pm

24-Worship- 9am

27-No Youth Events-Thanksgiving Break

    -Worship for Thanksgiving Eve-6:30pm

28-No Preschool


1-Worship w/Holy Communion-9am MITES

    -NBC High School Choir

    -Youth Group Cookie Walk

4-Advent Midweek 1 Service – 6:30pm


9-Material Girls Quilt Guild–7pm

10-Men’s Breakfast Bible Study-6:30am

11-Last KFC and Confirmation Class until new year

    -Youth Group Christmas Party

     - St. Peter Christmas Hymn Sing- 6:30PM

12-Preschool Christmas Program

15-Worship w/Holy Communion-9am 

    -Voter’s Meeting–10:15am

18-Preschool Christmas Party (M/W)

    -Children’s Christmas Program-6:30pm

19-Preschool Christmas Party (T/TH)


24- Christmas Eve Early Service: 3:30PM

24- Christmas Eve Evening Service: 5:30PM

25- Christmas Day Service: 9:00AM



5-Worship w/Holy Communion–9am MITES

12– Worship–9am

13-Material Girls Quilt Guild-7pm

14-Men’s Breakfast Bible Study 6:30am

19- Worship w/Holy Communion–9am



November Birthdays

1 Trevin Malousek

2 Terry Snover

3 Amanda Reznicek

4 Nathaniel McDonald

5 Marilyn Petersen

8 Bernard Larson

11 Stephen Mock

    Janet Warneke

17 Troy Post

19 Jean Sorensen

20 Addison Penlerick

21 Nolan Williams

23 David Hild

    Layna Longest

24 Alexa Kelberlau

29 Kinna Harris

    Logan Reiss

30 Theda Hansen

    Brent Karnatz

November Anniversaries

8 Grantham & Tiffany Hogeland

25 Brett & Rachel Stuehmer

December Birthdays

1 Virginia Bosco

Kendra Westerman

2 Madison Bishop

Tatum Hanis

Kyrsten Mottl

3 Lenora Schuetz

4 Jessa Hellbusch

5 Karan Legler

    Noah Post

6 Alaina Halladay

8 Gordon Settles

10 Marcus Kelberlau 

    Maverick Wenger

12 Eleanor Schutt

18 Mike Elofson

    Jase Taylor

21 Kaitlyn Wardman

23 Suzanne Metschke

28 Haley Dolezal

    Ethan Widick

    Carroll Wiebold

29 Kim Deveaux

    Rich Snodgrass

31 Jana Post

December Anniversaries

5 Robert & Evla Saalfeld

8 Darren & Mindy Siebels

21 Bruce & Amy Williams

27 David & Holly Hild

31 Mike & Linda Merryweather

January Birthdays

1 Mike Merryweather

2 Ron Schindler

3 Julie Kelberlau

6 John Wesch

7 Scott Heinemann

    Benjamin Reznicek

8 Tammie Dodge

9 Lillian Metschke

    Hunter Oerman

10 Wendy Dodge

12 Collins Hild

15 Kelsey Bunn

16 Kyle Oerman

17 Lauren Kohl

    Julie Loberg

19 Jim Novak

22 Payton Olson

    Adam Saalfeld

23 Corie Lanc

24 Anna Halladay

    Sharon Mueller

    Tracy Muller

28 Reid Karnatz

30 Jason Saalfeld

31 Paige Bunn

January Anniversaries

28 Kyle & Rachael Oerman



Thanksgiving/Advent/Christmas Service Schedule

Thanksgiving Eve Service (11/27) 6:30pm

Advent Midweek Service (12/4) 6:30pm

Christmas Hymn Sing (12/11) 6:30pm

Christmas Children’s Program (12/18) 6:30pm

Christmas Eve Early Service (12/24) 3:30pm

Christmas Eve Evening Service (12/24) 5:30pm

Christmas Day Service (12/25) 9:00am

No Service New Year’s Eve
